Essay Planning

Animation Project Proposal- Kiera Sherlock

1500 WORDS

Intro- 150 words

I have chosen to create a narrative-driven animation that focuses on subverting the stereotypical western representation of the female villain. In response to critical readings that focus on how ‘Disneyan’ and other prominent western animation studios use strong female figures who are “strong fearless and often very creative… mature, powerful and independent” (Davis, 2007, p.107) as their antagonists, I have decided to produce a positive female character that carries the above traits and breaks her position as the villainess to become the protagonist. The feminist undertone will also be reflected in the characters physicality; by rejecting the standard of highly sexual female designs, “it is a direct response to the male representations of women; masculine codes of composition… and personal, social and political agendas concerning men” (Wells, 1998, p.199). This under-water themed narrative will allow me to explore and create an animation which both undermines the widely-represented passive, sweet, and emotional female character (Davis, citing Hollinger, 2007, p.125), and

Methodology- 200

theories and theorists- 300

practical approach- 200

influences- 300

historical influences- 200

conclusion 150



Davis, M. (2007) Good Girls and Wicked Witches: Women in Disney’s Feature Animation, Eastleigh: John Libbey Publishing.

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