Animation Transcripts

The Amazing World of Gumball:

  • plays a lot on children’s naivety
  • plays on practical jokes/ very slapstick
  • For example:
    In Miss Simian‘s class, Gumball and Penny communicate to each other with gestures. Penny blows a kiss to Gumball, and he “catches” it and kisses it. Then he “crumples” it into a ball and swings an imaginary bat to it, making it fly back to Penny. Penny catches it and puts it into her heart then kisses it. She puts it on an imaginary arrow, then shoots at Gumball’s heart. Gumball collapses on his desk, then he winks at Penny. They both laugh silently. Then Gumball whispers to Darwin]

    Gumball: Hey dude. Can you pass this one to Penny? “You’re so cool that you give penguins brain-freeze”

    [Darwin passes the message to a bored leslie, sitting in front of him. Leslie passes it to Banana Joe. Banana Joe then passes it to Carmen. Carmen finally delivers the message to Penny]

    Carmen: Gumball says you’re fat.
    Everyone[Dramatic gasp]

    [Penny turns to Gumball]

    Gumball[Gives thumbs up]
    Penny[Turns to Medusa-like form]

    [Everyone starts throwing their things at Gumball. Banana Joe is thrown like a boomerang, and makes Gumball face-plant on his desk]
    (This is great as it shows some physical humour but also carries a simple message underneath)

Adventure Time:

  • Plays on the forms of the characters an uses them to help the plot
  • over the top characters and catchphrases “algebraic!” etc
  • kind of twisted- younger audience may not get but young teens will (candy cannibalism?)
  • Finn: Manfried, the talking piñata! Your convient appearance gives me a great idea. Everyone, grab a stick! New game! We’re gonna smash some piñatas!
    Manfried: What?
    Finn: Except for you, Manfried.
    Manfried: Oh, thank goodness.
    [Finn takes somes strips off of Taffy Girl]
    Finn: Now everybody don these blindfolds. [Whispering] Thanks, Taffy Girl.[Finn runs into the middle of the blindfolded Candy People swinging sticks]
    Finn: Alright, everybody, get together. I’m hanging the piñatas… [The zombies burst through the barricades] They’re all around you. Smash the piñatas!
    [Finn and the Candy People smash all the zombies]
    Finn: Yeah! You guys are on fire!
    [Chocoberry smashes a zombie, causing candy to fall out. She kneels down and licks the candy.]
    Chocoberry: Oh, it is so tasty.
    [All the Candy Zombies are smashed and the Candy People are eating their candy]
    Finn: Yes! We did it! My improbable plan worked!

Regular Show:

  • looks at adult topics a bit more but puts them into a teenage perspective
  • a lot more mature
  • Rigby (continued): I’m always in your shadow. You’re so much better than me. Everyone likes you better, and to top it all off, everyone thinks you’re my older brother. I’m the older brother! Me! Why do all my friends think you’re so much cooler than me?

    (Don gasps and slaps his cheeks. A montage with sad music follows. He looks up at a photo of his younger self playing on a playground merry-go-round with Mordecai and Rigby’s other friends, while Rigby sits alone on a seesaw. Then a three-legged race is shown, but Rigby isn’t tied to anyone, so he remains alone at the starting line. Finally, Mordecai and Rigby are in a photo booth: Rigby looks angry as Mordecai beckons Don in as well. Photos are shown in which Mordecai and Don are front and center, and Rigby struggles to be seen at the back. The montage ends.)

    Don: I… I had no idea. I’m sorry, bro! I didn’t mean to steal your friends! I was just trying to be cool like you.

    Rigby: Huh?

    Don: I’ve always looked up to you, bro. I get my hair cut like you, I try to look like you, and I don’t wear clothes, just like you! Remember when you started walking around naked? I thought you were so cool.

    Mordecai: Yeah, dude. That was pretty cool.

  • contains an almost ‘dude-ish’ humour
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